The Mathematics Curriculum
Intent – What is the aim of this subject?
In Maths lessons, we want ALL of our children to be:
- Confident
- Challenged
- Articulate
- Well-equipped
- Enthusiastic
- Reaching their potential
We aim for all pupils to:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.
Can Do Maths!
At Orchid Vale, we use the Can Do Maths scheme of work. Each class teacher plans and teaches a daily 45-minute lesson for Mathematics.In line with the Can Do Maths scheme of work, each lesson focuses on a manageable step of new learning based on the National Curriculum statements. The daily maths lesson is structured in the following way:
The Hook - Introduction
Teach It - Live modelling of the new learning
Practise It - All children practise the new skill/calculation method together
Do It - Children complete 5 questions (3 'What It Is' and 2 'What It Is Also') - This is completed independently
Twist It - A misunderstanding, e.g. spot the mistake. This is completed independently
Solve It - Children apply their understanding to solve problems. This is completed independently
Review It - Lesson recap and a quick 'quiz' to check children's understanding
In addition to the daily Maths lesson, each teacher plans and teaches a MathsOnTrack (MOT) Meeting which lasts for 15 minutes. This changes every day and is based on teacher’s use of AfL (assessment for learning) during the morning Maths lesson. Teachers may feel that a group or the whole class would benefit from further work on a particular skill or objective and this may be followed up as ‘deliberate practice’ during the MOT meeting. Sometimes, teachers may use this session to pre-teach a new concept or skill so that children are more prepared for the next step in the sequence of lessons.
Lessons are planned using a common planning format. They are saved on the school’s shared drive and are monitored by the Maths Coordinator and Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
When children are completing their fluency (Do It) questions, they are encouraged to mark their own answers in Key Stage 2. If children have answered any questions incorrectly, they need to go back and make any corrections. In Key Stage 1, class teachers will mark children’s fluency (Do It) questions during or after a lesson and will support children to check their work and amend any mistakes.
Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Teachers in the Early Years Foundation Stage are using the ‘Can Do Maths’ scheme of work to support them with planning and teaching different maths concepts.
When planning for child-initiated and adult-led Maths activities, Foundation Stage teachers use the ‘Development Matters’ handbook and the early learning goals from the Early Adopter Framework for ‘Mathematics.’ This will ensure that pupils are working within age-related expectations and are given a range of opportunities to apply their Maths skills in a play-based environment. Children’s attainment against the early learning goals will be shared with the Year 1 teachers to ensure effective transition to Year 1.
What the children think.....
Maths is challenging.
I like Maths because it is a time where you can really get your brain thinking.
It does not matter if you get things wrong. You are at school to learn.
I like the ‘Twist It’ because it requires you to answer clearly using mathematical vocabulary. It also requires you to think before you answer the question.
Yearly Overviews and Road Maps
Click below to have a look at the overviews and road maps for each year group.
Knowledge Organisers
Click below to see what each year group will be learning this term!
Key Documents
Click below to access some other key documents we use in school.
TT Rockstars!
At Orchid Vale, we use the 'Times Tables Rock Stars' to practise times tables! Click on the link below to access the website.
Number Day for NSPCC
On 4th February, children came into school representing numbers. Some children wore clothes decorated with numbers and others came up with different, creative ideas such as wearing a tutu (two two)!
We also welcomed the Problem Solving Company into school to lead all year groups with some large-scale, hands on problem solving activities.