Welcome to our Nursery
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Key Documents
At Orchid Vale Primary School, we are passionate about providing our youngest children with the best possible start, ensuring all Nursery and Reception children are happy and secure. We place importance on the relationship that we have with the children and their parents.
We endeavour to provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere where children are valued and listened to. We value every child for who they are and prepare them for all they can be, ‘nothing but the best’.
We believe that in Early Years, play underpins children’s learning and development. In Nursery and Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, building on the foundations laid throughout their prior experiences, and preparing children for their transitions into Reception and Year 1. For children moving into Year 1, we will ensure the children are equipped ready to progress on to the National Curriculum.
Our philosophy is that by nurturing children into inquisitive thinkers and independent resilient learners, it will enable them to grow and develop, and fulfil their potential. We have an environment which promotes learning both indoors and out, and a balance of child initiated and teacher led activities. Through exploration and discovery, children make sense of the world around them and develop emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually. Experienced and dedicated staff support the children by having a well-planned daily routine, which includes opportunities for them to work independently or with others, in both child-initiated and adult directed play and learning situations. Staff continuously relate to children’s interests and extend their learning through challenging and skilful questioning.
This year, we are following the EYFS reforms early adopter framework. This becomes statutory as of September 2021. We have our revised EYFS curriculum and progression of skills documents to support the implementation on the new framework.
The statutory assessment remains in place for the end of Foundation Stage, with teachers assessing children against Early Learning Goals.
These goals have changed quite significantly and the children will now only be assessed as emerging or expected against these goals. Children achieve GLD, a Good Level of Development if they achieve expected in all of the following areas:
- PRIME Areas
- Communication and Language:
- Listening, Attention and Understanding, Speaking
- Personal, Social, and Emotional Development:
- Self-Regulation, Managing Self, Building Relationships
- Physical Development:
- Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills
- Literacy:
- Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing
- Mathematics:
- Number, Numerical Patterns
There is a new Development Matters document published to support the new framework and we use this to support our planning and assessment in Nursery. This document is non-statutory.
We teach a broad and balanced curriculum, following a thematic approach.
There is a new Development Matters document published to support the new framework and we use this to support our planning and assessment in Nursery. This document is non-statutory.
We teach a broad and balanced curriculum, following a thematic approach.
Orchid Vale Primary School Nursery will be offering the following session times:
- Morning Session: 8:30am - 11:30am*
- Afternoon Session: 12:15pm - 3:15pm*
- We are able to offer a limited number of 30 hour places* 8.30am- 3.15pm ( there is a £2.50 per day charge for supervision cover at lunchtime)
- Children are eligible to start our nursery the term after their 3rd birthday. Places may be limited for application in January or April, as places are only offered if there is space available.
- Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions regarding admissions or email enquiries@orchidvale.org.uk
- If your child is attending our nursery you will still need to apply for a reception school place, as this does not guarantee a place at Orchid Vale Primary School.
At Orchid Vale Nursery we expect the children to wear the white polo top and the school sweatshirt, in navy blue, with or without the school logo. To make toileting easier children can wear navy blue or black leggings or joggers on their bottom half and shoes with velcro straps.