SEND At Orchid Vale
What is SEND?
In education, when a child needs additional help and support, they are sometimes referred to as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
If a child has special educational needs, it may mean that they need different teaching strategies, extra resources to support in the classroom to help them learn, they may need to take part in activities (sometimes referred to as interventions) outside of the classroom to help them progress or that they may need help to encourage positive behaviour.
In cases of a physical disability, it may mean that they need additional resources available to them, allowing them to take part in day to day activities.
What happens if my child has SEN?
If a child is thought to be have SEN, this will always be discussed with you and we will ask if we can place your child on the SEND register. This means that they are monitored closely by their class teacher, teaching assistant and SENDCO. In the school, a register of SEND is kept, allowing staff to monitor and plan for the progress of these children.
In the majority of cases, if your child is on the SEND register, you will be invited into school each term to discuss their progress and Support Plan. If you are not able to attend, a copy of their plan will be sent home for you to look at and sign.
Who will work with my child?
When a child is on the SEND register and needs additional support, it is most likely that the adults who work with them will be familiar staff who already work in the school.
In some cases, it may be that we ask other professionals (o come and work with your child. You will always be informed of what is happening
Will my child be involved in this process?
At Orchid Vale, we feel strongly that children learn best when they have ownership of their learning. We have conversations with children about their learning needs, their opinions and feelings, and what can be done to help them.
We offer a range of interventions to children who need extra support or are on the SEND register. These interventions are specifically chosen to target areas of need.
Our interventions take place throughout the week and can be in either a small group or 1:1 with an adult.

Have a concern?
If you are concerned about your child or would like some advice, our SENDCO is Mrs Helen Willcox.
Mrs Willcox can be contacted via email ( or by phone (01793 745006).

Click here to find out more about Swindon SEND services.