At Orchid Vale, all adults are committed to keeping you safe. We have all been trained in safeguarding and child protection and will know how best to help you if you are feeling worried, upset or angry about anything.
The Safeguarding team is made up of Mrs Willcox, Mrs Rao, Mr Turner and Mrs Lee.

If you are worried about talking to a member of school staff, or if you need to talk to someone urgently when we are not at school, you can contact Childline by clicking on the link or by phoning them.
Anti-bullying Ambassadors
In every key stage two class, there are a group of anti-bullying ambassadors who work to a) reduce bullying and b)support children in speaking up about bullying.
In school, we have worry boxes where you can post your worries if you find that easier than speaking to someone. Remember to include your name so that we can check-in with you afterwards.